Create A Diverse Portfolio To Increase Your Income

Offer your patrons what they really value

This straightforward approach will help you to significantly increase your earned revenue, and make your art-making more sustainable. If you provide a variety of offerings and cater clearly to what your patrons and fans value, they will be more inclined to attend your events for the first time and will be more engaged over the long term. This translates into higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, more gigs, more sales revenue, and also more donations for you.

There are 4 key steps for you to follow in order to tap more deeply into the market for your work. Don’t worry, this technique does not require you to give up your principles or compromise your art. It is mainly about packaging your offerings differently and getting closer to your patrons and fans.

how to create a good arts offering

downarrow1. Recognize what people really value

downarrow2. Create packages that meet your patrons’ interests and needs

downarrow3. Communicate the value effectively

downarrow4. Check your requirements

When you apply the approach described above, you benefit personally by learning more about your patrons’ interests in and reactions to your work and your organization. In addition, you will be better able to maintain engagement with your fans and customers all year round, leading to more sustainable revenue streams.

Download the Portfolio Extension Worksheet and get started!

downarrowExample: Diverse Set of Offerings – Modern Dance Company

Related pages:

> Persuasion Tactics Artists Need To Know
> How To Write An Offering Description That Sells
> Engage With Your Fans And Supporters All Year Round

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